Hello dear friends!
We actually got through security filming our crew without the faxes we needed, without the equipment we needed. It was crazy getting all the bags and things together but we had a blast at the same time, just thinking of finally getting to CA after all this waiting. The plane ride went well. Some got to catch a few winks and some didn’t. When we arrived at LAX Airport, we headed to the car rental place and I got to drive a silver PT Cruiser and my Mom got to drive a cream one! All of us crammed our luggage in the two vehicles and headed out to find a place to eat. We found a Chipotle, talked and then skedaddled to our hotel. Come to find out the rooms we had reserved wasn’t reserved because of us doing it over the internet. It was kind of frustrating but eventually things paned out and we were able to get two rooms with each having a king bed and a roll away bed.
This afternoon, we all gathered around and had devotions, prayed for each other and opened up to the things that had been stirring on our hearts and minds. Afterwards, we relaxed at the pool and just allowed ourselves to catch up on rest. We chatted and then headed out to meet a friend of Kayleen’s for dinner at a place called, Islands. On our way back to the hotel we laughed a lot and shared funny stories!
Some of us chose to exercise a little (Saphrin and I and Chase came later on) to get the wiggles out. Now, here I am typing up the happenings of the day and just so overjoyed with how everything is falling into place. As I’m typing, I’m surrounded by my dear friends here in the lobby, this is the only place where we have internet access…they are talking about our plans for tomorrow and what we are wanting to accomplish as far as shooting. My Mom’s asleep, she is so tired! But, she’s been absolutely an amazing Crew Mom! There for us to pray, to encourage and to hug!
Okay, so now I’m going to close because my eyes are about to close.

This morning brought us to an early start. Rather, a late one as we never went to sleep! So much too do and so much to talk about. J But the Lord has carried us through these two sleepless days!
Well, this is just too neat!...
hello to all of ya'll! (both familiar faces and non..)
just wanted to drop a note to let you know you're covered in prayers from this household in dallas, tx. :).
Kathryn B.
Thank you so much Kathryn! :) I so hope to meet you soon! I've heard so many amazing things about you!!! :) Blessings girl! Everyone says HI!
In Christ,
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