Tirsha (LWL), Holly (LWL), Saphrin, Me, Chase, Nick (LWL) and Kyle (LWL)
*Life Without Limbs Team
We are in the process of fundraising! My family and I sent out 170 letters, sent out e-mails, I have posted information about this project on forums, I'm making phone calls...etc. We are trying to get the word out about, The Nick Project! The film project has been about faith from day one! I have been encouraging my team for us to not walk and focus on what our physical eyes can see but rather what God wants to do, the impossible! :)

I'm reading an amazing book titled, "Daring To Live On The Edge," by the man who started YWAM. It has caused me to want to live by faith with every cell and fiber of my body! To not allow physical circumstances to shake me! The Lord has been making me smile so much recently, He is constantly putting me into situations where I have to completely depend on Him! I know, that if God is for this, nothing can stand against it. If we are meant to go, we will go! My heart is for the Lord to receive all the glory and honor with the pre and post production process! My heart is for the vision of this project! To see young men and woman rising up and taking their place and living lives of purpose and dedication, and having the soul drive to further the Kingdom of the Lord! I want this especially to be a battle-cry for the young men of this world, nation and day to be the men of God that the Father is crying out for them to be. To realize that the measure of a man is not how tall he stands, how wealthy he is or how intelligent he is….it goes down to the heart, it’s what’s inside a man that really matters.

Last weekend, I met with Saphrin and we worked on the documentary outline. We organized our thoughts and ideas and correlated our shoot list within the different categories of the film. We talked and shared our plans for CA relating to travel arrangements, finances, equipment, music score..etc. We also went to Hobby Lobby and picked out shirts for our crew. Saphrin, Jacyln and I dyed them and rinsed them and sweet Saphrin did the fabric paint job! They look amazing! We will all be wearing them on our way to CA! We are planning to leave DFW on March 24th!

"If the first reason to live by faith is to prove the reality of God, the second reason is to see our faith increased. All of us are given a measure of faith, according to Romans 12. Faith is a gift, but it must grow through use. Faith increases as we exercise it. it's like physical exercise. The difference between the Arnold Schwarzenegger's and the rest of us is their commitment to increase strength and muscle mass by exercise. 'No pain, no gain,' they remind us as they throw a hefty medicine ball our way. If we never have needs in our lives, if we can do everything without God's help, how can we learn to trust Him? The disciples in Luke 17:5 cried, 'Increase our faith.' They had seen Jesus do so many miracles. Surely He could instantly impart faith to them. But they had to go through the same process we do. Like life breathed into us, faith is a gift from God. but for our faith to increase, it must be used and tested."
~From: Daring To Live On The Edge by Loren Cunningham and Janice Rogers
~From: Daring To Live On The Edge by Loren Cunningham and Janice Rogers
Very encouraging post Steph!! I'll keep you all in my prayers! And your faith is so evident and a true blessing to me! Thanks! :)
Oh, and I LOVE the shirts! You have got to get pictures of all of you in those shirts! ;)
Oh Steph! If I'd known you were going to post the shirt pic on the net for all the world to see, I'd have at least vaccuumed! Oh well. Oh a post something about the prayer mtg would you please?
Of course I will! :)!!! :)
And props to whoever took the pix of just the shirt!
Speaking of which, those look great! Amazing to think they used to be white!
Such a good post. Steph. Great encouragement and conviction.
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