Okay, so I've been thinking about who are audience will be with the current direction of this documentary. Instead of it being directed towards just the men in our world I want it to be balanced! Instead of it being the "measure of a man" meaning a male, I'm wanting it to be about man in general. Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Mankind! I want men and women to be able to relate to this documentary. I want it to be about the heart, character, integrity of man (men and women)…etc! God looks at the heart! Nick is a picture of what the measure of a man should be! Through society's eyes, Nick is not the ultimate persona of a man. He is not tall, he is not buff, he won't be able to carry his children, hold his wife's hand, run marathons, lift weights, etc. But, it's his heart that truly speaks of the true measure of an individual. It's the Lord reigning on the throne of his heart. It's total surrender to the call and mission that God has appointed him to accomplish. It's deeper than what our physical eyes can see! These are the thoughts that I have relating to the content of this documentary!

Also, we just received word that a sweet friend has donated $1,000 today! We are close to $3,000! We are totally in awe of the Lord right now! God provides when we choose to believe and walk by faith no matter how different our schedule may look right now. We truly could have just quit when we heard that we couldn’t film this month. But instead, we went back to what God had revealed to me last year, in October, when I asked Nick about his project. We both new this project was God. I don’t know what the outcome will be; my expectations are in Christ alone! He’s the one who holds this! Blessed be His mighty and beautiful name!
Our team has changed due to the change of dates. But, the Lord is in control and he will bring together a team who will be united to go to CA and do this in His name! It’s looking like my Mom will now be the Crew Mom, and my brother, Alan, will be going as one of our interviewers!
Our team has changed due to the change of dates. But, the Lord is in control and he will bring together a team who will be united to go to CA and do this in His name! It’s looking like my Mom will now be the Crew Mom, and my brother, Alan, will be going as one of our interviewers!

Please keep up in your prayers! If you would be interested in helping in the fundraising aspect, please contact me at: downpourproductions.stephanie@gmail.com
You've been tagged! ;) Check out my blog to see the rules! :)
Hello Stephanie! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'd be very interested in seeing the documentary you're directing!
I'm a sort of distant cousin. In fact, I'm not entirely sure how we are related, but he's confirmed the fact. Something to do with our grandfathers or great-grandfathers. I've met him a couple of times, he's an awesome guy!!!! Last time I saw him was at our cousin's wedding in Ohio.
Have a good day :)
God bless,
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